
Free to participate 

Only for LINC Graduates

100% Online

The LINC+ CPD Programme for LINC Graduates is currently accepting new registrations.

1. What do I need to register?

You will need the following to register for the programme:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • PPS number
  • Student ID number
  • Telephone number
  • Year of graduation from LINC

You should be aware of our Data Protection and Data Collection Notice.

2. Who can apply?

Only graduates of the Leadership for INClusion in the Early Years (LINC) Programme 2016-2024.


3. What happens next?

A confirmation email will be issued to the applicant upon successful registration so that they can review the information submitted for completeness and accuracy.  Please check your junk/spam or promotions folder for this email. All applications are verified to ensure they meet the registration criteria. Once this process is completed all applicants will be notified by email of the status of their registration.



If you are already engaging in LINC+CPD please do not register again.

This is registration for first time applicants for Package 1, Communities of Practice.

If you are currently doing the LINC Programme, you are not eligible for LINC+ CPD Programme until you have graduated.

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