Ann Donnellan
Lead Academic Tutor - LINC Programme
Ann is the lead academic tutor for the Leadership for INClusion in the Early Years (LINC) Programme, driven by her passion for ensuring the inclusion of all children. She holds a BA (Hons) in Montessori Education from Munster Technological University and a Master’s in Adult and Further Education from Mary Immaculate College.
Before joining the LINC team, Ann worked with Cork ETB as a tutor, delivering QQI Level 5 and 6 modules in Early Childhood Care and Education. She is deeply committed to advancing the professionalisation and upskilling of the early years sector, with a particular focus on mentoring in early childhood practice. Ann co-developed an innovative Level 8 Special Purpose Certificate in Professional Mentoring for Early Childhood Practice and co-authored the accompanying book, Professional Mentoring for Early Childhood Practice (Springer Nature, 2023).
Ann contributed to Leading Inclusion from the Inside Out: A Handbook for Parents and Early Childhood Teachers in Early Learning and Care, Primary and Special School Settings (Peter Lang, 2021) and co-authored the chapter Leading and Implementing Whole-Setting and Individual Planning. She has also played a key role in developing content for the LINC+ CPD programme, further supporting professional development in the sector.